
Example 01: Storing Local Properties

function a() {
  const grandpa = "Grandpa";
  return function b() {
    const father = "Father";
    return function c() {
      const son = "Son";
      return `${grandpa} > ${father} > ${son}`;

const one = a();
// 10 years later...

This will return

Grandpa > Father > Son

Here after we invoke the a() the a() method should be popped out from the scope. Also its property grandpa should be popped out from the stack.

Since the reference of the grandpa is used in the c(), the closure will store these.

So when garbage collector came to removed the this grandpa will not be removed from the memory.

Example 02: Storing Local Properties

function a() {
  const grandpa = "Grandpa";
  const someRandomVariable = "random value";
  return function b() {
    const father = "Father";
    return function c() {
      const son = "Son";
      return `${grandpa} > ${father} > ${son}`;

const one = a();

This will return

Grandpa > Father > Son

Since the variable someRandomVariable is not referenced to any of the method, it will be removed by the garbage collector.

Example 03: Storing Reference Parameters

const hoc = (num1) => (num2) => num1 * num2;

const multiplyByTen = hoc(10);


Here's another example of closure is the first parameter 10 is being preserved from the garbage collector. So we can use even though the first arrow method hoc() is being removed from the lexical scope

Example 03: With Event Loop

function myMethod() {
  const myVar = "Hello from closures";
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 4000);


This will print

Hello from closures

Here we pass the setTimeout part to the web-api and start a timer of 4 seconds. When 4 seconds time is over code is return to the call-back queue, and wait for the empty call-stack.

When it goes to the call stack, the myMethod should be removed from the stack. But the myVar will be kept in the closure, as it is referenced in the setTimeout method.

Example 03: Ignore Hoisting

function myMethod() {
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 4000);
  const myVar = "Hello from closures";


This will also print

Hello from closures

Since const does not hoist, the myVar should be a reference error. But closure ignore the hoisting and print the Hello from closures. Because by the time (after 4 seconds), we call the method, the variable should be persisted in the closure.


Example: Memory Efficiency

Lets consider a method, that creates a large array. It returns the array elements by the index we pass.

function heavyDuty(index) {
  const bigArray = new Array(10000).fill("element");
  return bigArray[index];


Here every time we invoke the method heavyDuty method, a new array is being created with 10000 items and return the element of the desired index.

In this case repeatedly after each call we have to generate an array of 10000 elements.

We can cache the array by the following way using closures.

function heavyDuty(index) {
  const bigArray = new Array(10000).fill("element");
  return function (index) {
    return bigArray[index];

const getElement = heavyDuty();

In this way, we do not pollute the global scope. We create the array once and invoke the element by index multiple time.

Example: Memory Encapsulation

Let's consider a method.

const makeNuclearButton = () => {
  let timeWithoutDestruction = 0;
  const peaceTime = () => timeWithoutDestruction++;
  const totalPeaceTime = () => timeWithoutDestruction;
  const launch = () => {
    timeWithoutDestruction = -1;
    return "Booooom!!!!";
  setInterval(peaceTime, 1000);
  return {

const noooo = makeNuclearButton();

Here when we make the object of makeNuclearButton, until we invoke launch method, the peaceTime is increasing.

The moment we invoke the launch method, using noooo.launch() the peaceTime become 0.

Now our concern is not had over the launch method to everyone. We simmply remove the launch method from the return object.

const makeNuclearButton = () => {
  let timeWithoutDestruction = 0;
  const peaceTime = () => timeWithoutDestruction++;
  const totalPeaceTime = () => timeWithoutDestruction;
  const launch = () => {
    timeWithoutDestruction = -1;
    return "Booooom!!!!";
  setInterval(peaceTime, 1000);
  return {

const noooo = makeNuclearButton();

This is a philosophy of encapsulation or least privilege.


Lets consider a function initialize() and it set some global value. The important thing is it should be called only one time.

let globalKey;

function initialize() {
  globalKey = "value";
  console.log("Global key is set");


Here the function is being invoked 3 times. With closure, we need to call it once.

let globalKey;

function initialize() {
  let isCalled = false;
  return () => {
    if (isCalled) {
    isCalled = true;
    globalKey = "value";
    console.log("Global key is set");

const startOnce = initialize();

Now, this will be only called once.

Another approach to solve the problem can be, updating the function reference after being initialize at the first time.

let globalKey;

function initialize() {
  globalKey = "value";
  console.log("Global key is set");
  initialize = () => {
    console.log("Aboarting! already set the value");


Using IIFE,

let globalKey;

const initialize = (() => {
  let called = 0;
  return () => {
    if (called) {
      console.log("Already Set");
    called = 1;
    globalKey = "Global Value";
    console.log("Set the value");



In this case,

const array = [1, 2, 3, 4];

function traverse() {
  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 1000);


In this case, the var is used the hoisting and get the laterst index. using let instead of var can resolve the issue.

const array = [1, 2, 3, 4];

function traverse() {
  for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 1000);


Using IIFE and closure,

const array = [1, 2, 3, 4];

function traverse() {
  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    (function (val) {
      setTimeout(function () {
      }, 1000);
